At our first session you will be given a free Workbook (in fact there is no charge for any part of our seminar) that will grow at each session with material covering general Bible subjects, people of the Bible, places of the Bible, and an outline of the books of the Bible, as well as an in depth analysis of important issues and word definitions for our study in the Book of Genesis
PART # 1 – General Bible Subjects (30 minutes)
30 minutes of general Bible subjects, including Historical Background of the Bible, How The Bible Interprets Itself, Why the Bible is Difficult to Read, Why 2 Testaments, The Role of Prophecy, Tips on Reading Effectively, Study Tools for Bible Study, Using Cross References, How to Deal with Critics of the Bible, The Purpose of God, Versions of the Bible, Mystery?, The Jews and the Law of Moses, Life and Death in the Bible, Good vs. Evil, Overview of the Books of the Bible and Bible Terminology.
PART # 2 – Book of Genesis: First 12 chapters (60 minutes)
60 minutes of verse by verse study of the Book of Genesis starting at verse 1 of Chapter 1, and continuing through the first 12 chapters. This study helps us understand how the Bible interprets itself and how to truly comprehend the message God has for us. We will look at the meaning of words, people, cultural issues, chronology of Creation and the promises of the Edenic and Abrahamic Covenants and how God’s promises apply to us today.